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Email Marketing 101: The Subject Line Matters 

Did you click on the article thinking “People are still using email in 2022?”, if that was correct than yes! They actually do. Emails are a big part of any marketing strategy, but making the most of them depends on you and how well you take advantage of them. 

After all, the average open rate for an email campaign differs from industry to another as well as the title in your subject line. For this point you need to be very smart and know how to sell your email, if you don’t manage to catch the attention of your reader when they open the email and stimulate their curiosity to keep reading, then no matter how many people you have on your list you will be greatly disappointed with the results.  

So, to make it simple, the title is the make or break of your email marketing campaign. Want to know how to achieve an attention grabbing one? Keep on reading! 

Keep It Personal 

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to feel like a fish in the pond, no? Yeah, no one does either. People desire to feel connected and understood, after all we are social creatures who seek attention and a sense of belonging. So, you need to take advantage of that fact by making sure that your email feels authentic and as if you are speaker with the other party specifically.  

You can achieve this by breaking your audience down using email segmentation. This feature will allow you to create smaller email lists within your overall contact list and help you recognize what message corresponds with which audience in order to keep it personalized and not just a carbon copy of a genral email. 

Make It Short and Sweet 

When it comes to the subject line the shorter the better. In fact, try to keep it from one to six words only, no one wants to read a paragraph first thing in the morning! 

After all the lengthy and important information will be in the body of the email, the subject only serves as a teaser of sorts that grabs the attention of your readers and entice them to open the email. For this reason, try to make it as playful and original as you can while avoiding it being tacky and cheesy. You can use emojis for a more informal and friendly outlook or suggestive questions to make your audience wonder about the content of the email! 

Put the Most Relevant Info First 

This is a continuation of the subject line, if the latter was curious enough for them to open the email, then its opening needs to keep up to the expectations. There’s no need for a long introduction that would bore them out of their minds and make them curse you inside their heads! Say whatever you want to say in the beginning and then start to explain and give more details as you go, this is an important strategy that you need to follow in order to keep your reader engaged and interested. Use less and more relevant words, no need for fillers and pretty descriptions, these people don’t owe you their time so you need to make it brief and to the point. 

Entice Them to Act 

Whether your aim is to sell something or to get yourself a deal, you need your audience to take action after reading the email in order for it to be a successful campaign. For this reason, your subject line title should sound like a small infomercial; by using a call-to-action you are urging your audience to open the email and see the offer fir themselves! The most effective of doing this is by using a question in which they will assume the answer to will be in the email. This is a great way to psychologically manipulate your readers into opening the body and not throwing it into the spam folder. 

Don’t “Do the Most” 

You might be wondering, why does it mean to do the most? Isn’t that the whole point of the email? No, actually you would be surprised to what lengths people would go in order to catch the attention of their audience, but it will only end up backfiring on them and having the opposite of the desired outcome. In fact, you don’t need to have twenty exclamation points, all caps, two question marks and a bunch of emojis to get attract their curiosity.  

That was a n example of doing the most which will do you no good and only get you a free pass for a block! Keep it simple and minimal, be smart about your choice of words, you want it to sound playful and formal at the same time, not written by a six years old kid, so keep all that extra stuff to a minimum. 

Now that you what you should and shouldn’t do, you can confidently embark onto your next emailing campaign, and hopefully with those simple but effective tips you can see an increase to your email open rate and catch the attention of those who will benefit the most from your service/product and end up with an ideal win-win situation! Just keep in mind that the most important thing when it comes to any type of writing is to be creative and innovative, so let your imagination soar! 

To get more useful tips, check out our blog for other interesting articles that can help you in your growth journey as a small or flourishing business. 

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